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Now there's an alternative to expensive copy charges for your old family photographs.
Now you have a new quick and inexpensive way to get lots of pictures into a digital form. The resulting files can be used to make excellent reprints at about the same size as the original, or even a little bit bigger.
The finished product consists of digital files on your choice of a data CD, DVD or USB thumb drive. It can be displayed as a slide show using Windows and clicking "view as a slide show". Most Smart TV's can also display the files as a slideshow. The photos are not always turned the same direction but can be rotated using Windows or any photo editing software. If you like, we will preview all of your images and rotate all the images to "heads up" for 8 cents per image.
If you're a digital photo enthusiast, you can use these"digital copy negatives" to build a DVD slide show or a web site or add photos to your books and letters.
Due to technical considerations, photos are not scanned in the same order provided to us but can be returned to you in any order you like.Just number all prints on the back. We will scan all the photos and then arrange the files in order prior to creating your CD. Cost: 15 cents per print.
Photo prints that are un-mounted, at least 2 x 3 inches and no bigger than 8" x 11 inches can be scanned at "Shoebox Special" pricing.
Prepare your photos for scanning by removing them from envelopes. All Post-It notes, tape or adhesives must be removed.
If you face all the pictures the same way, we'll try to keep them all heads up. However, we may have to turn some to feed through the scanner.
Prints bound into books or albums or mounted onto cardboard or any rigid material are not eligible for "Shoebox"pricing. We can handle all those "nonconforming" prints at $2.99 each. You can choose whether to have us include those nonconforming originals at $2.99 each, or return them to you as is.
That same price applies to prints that are too small for our automated scanner.
Showalter Imaging Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.